Speech recognition and understanding [1] of spontaneous speech
have been a goal ofresearch sine 1970. It is a process of conversion of
speech to text. The object of humanspeech is not just a way to convey
words from one person to another but also to make theother person to
understand the depth of the spoken words. Spontaneous speech is
highlyvariable and rarely conforms to conventional assumptions and
linguistically definedpronunciation rules. Specifically, there may be
many different continuous speech realizationsfor each expertly defined
phonetic unit in the dictionary. The phones may be realized in a clean
and complete fashion as in read speech, or they may be realized in a
sloppy andincomplete fashion as in highly spontaneous speech. For
spontaneous speech, therefore, itmay be beneficial to model incompletely
realized variants of any phonetic unit as separateunits. The purpose of
this paper is to develop a method to build automatic spontaneousspeech
recognition for Punjabi language. Initially, the Spontaneous Speech
Recognitionmodel has been implemented for small vocabulary. We
successfully build the acoustic modelfor Punjabi language using Sphinx4
and java programming and Language model fordecoding.