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Vol 7, No 3 :


A New Generalization of Two Parameter Pranav Distribution with Characterizations and Applications of Real Life-time Data
Rashid A. Ganaie , V. Rajagopalan
n this paper, we have introduced a new generalization of two parameter Pranav distribution known as Length biased two parameter Pranavdistribution. The newly introduced distribution has two parameters. The different statistical properties including reliability measures, order statistics, moments, income distribution curves and entropies are derived and discussed. The maximum likelihood estimation method is also used for estimating the parameters of the newly introduced distribution and also the Fisher’s Information matrix have been discussed. Finally an application of the new distribution is established by analysing the three real life data sets for examining its usefulness.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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