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Vol 11, No 2:


A New LASSO Procedure Based on Alarm-M Estimator for Feature Selection
Variable selection with the least squares method, commonly used would be ineffective in dealing problem containing outliers or extreme observations. So, it requires a robust parameter estimation approach in which the estimation result is not significantly impacted by slight changes in the data. Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) is a commonly used method for shrinkage estimation and variable selection. But LASSO uses the conventional least squares technique for feature selection which is very sensitive to outliers. As a result, when the data is contaminated the LASSO technique gives untrustworthy conclusions. To solve this, the notion of redescending Alarm M-estimator is used to form a new feature selection method with the help of MM-estimator and by adding the LASSO penalty, and it is named as Redescending MM-LASSO (RMM- LASSO). The efficiency of the proposed method has been studied in the real and simulation environment and compared with other existing procedures with measures like Median Absolute Error (MDAE), False Positive Rate (FPR), False Negative Rate (FNR) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The performance of the RMM-LASSO feature selection method shows a significant improvement compare d to LASSO method which pays a way to the importance of robust penalized regression methods.
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