IJSREG Trion Studio

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Vol 9, No 3:


A Two Unit Parallel System with Single Standby and Lindley Repair Time Distributions
The paper deals the cost benefit analysis of a system model composed of three non-identical units- unit-1, unit-2 and unit-3. Initially unit-1 and unit-2 work in parallel configuration and unit-3 is kept as cold standby. If either of the units working in parallel configuration fails, the standby unit takes its place instantaneously with the help of a perfect switching device and the failed unit goes into repair. The priority in operation is being given to unit-1 and unit-2 over the unit-3. A single repairman is always available with the system and priority in repair is being given to unit-1 and unit-2 over the unit-3. However the repair discipline is FCFS for unit-1 and unit-2. Failure time distribution of each unit is assumed to be exponential whereas the repair time distribution is taken to be Lindley.
Full Text
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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