An Analogy of Automated Software Testing Tools: Selenium, Watir, Ranorex Studio, UFT
Software testing is pivotal in product stability perspective. It does not only ensure a bug-free product but lowers the cost by cutting maintenance expenditures. Testing is one of the indispensable aspects of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). With the aid of automation tools, software testers and developers can examine the source code and refine the modifications accordingly, which in turn ensures high-quality software. The primary objective of this paper is to analyse commercially significant tools used for automation, such as Selenium and Watir free sources, Ranorex Studio and UFT (Unified Functional Testing). The goal of this review paper is to assess and compare these automation tools based on usability and productivity. Apart from the above-mentioned tools, there are numerous additional tools, which are available in the market. Web testing, windows application testing, and other testing areas are all included in software testing.
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