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Vol 11, No 1:


Arctan-Chen Distribution with Properties and Application
In this study, we have introduced a three-parameter continuous probability distribution using arctan family of distribution and Chen distribution. Probability distribution function, probability density function as well as some statistical properties of the proposed model is included in this article. Parameters of the model are estimated using maximum likelihood estimation, least square method and Creamers – von Mises method of estimation. For testing the applicability of the model, a real data set is taken. For model comparison, five other models available in literature are taken. For comparison of the model, Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion and Hannan-Quinn information criterion are used. For validity testing, Kolmogrov – Simonov test, Cramer’s – Von Mises test and Anderson-Darling test are used. Graphical methods like P-P plots and Q-Q plots are used for validity testing. To evaluate the accuracy of the estimation procedure, a simulation experiment is conducted, revealing a decrease in biases and mean square errors as sample sizes increase, even when working with small samples. The computations and graphical representations have been done by using R.
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