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Vol 9, No 1:


Classical Analysis of Two-Way ANOVA Model with Replication under Fuzzy Data
Rahul Rahul , Priti Gupta , S.C. Malik
The study of experimental designs plays significant role in biostatistics and agricultural statistics. The uncertainties in the data cannot be ignored while conducting field experiments. Therefore, we in this paper discuss the problem of two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with replication under the triangular fuzzy numbers (TrFNs). The data is taken in terms of triangular fuzzy numbers(TrFNs) which are de-fuzzified through α-cut interval method resulting in lower and upper levels of the fuzzy data. The replicated two factor ANOVA test is executed separately on lower and upper levels respectively. The fuzzy logic is used to obtain the interval of alpha for which fuzzy hypotheses are either rejected or accepted. The numerical illustrations of the proposed work are also provided in order to highlight the application area of the study.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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