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Vol 10 ( Special Issue-1 ):


Component Importance Measure of Safety Instrumented System using Survival Signature
Safety instrumented systems are critical units of many industrial processes that aim to prevent or mitigate potential hazards. The reliability and performance of safety instrumented systems are essential to ensuring the safety of personnel and protecting the environment. This research examines reliability using a survival signature, a statistical approach used to evaluate the performance of complex systems. We discuss the structure of the safety instrumented system and use survival signature analysis to calculate the overall reliability and relative importance index of each of its components. The analysis reveals that the safety instrumented system achieves a high level of reliability and identifies critical components that require frequent maintenance and testing. The results of the study could be used to optimize the maintenance and testing activities of the considered system and improve its reliability and safety function. This article emphasizes the significance of survival signature analysis as a useful tool for evaluating the reliability and performance of safety instrumented systems in different industries.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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