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Vol 9, No 1:


D-Optimal Designs for Scheffé’s Quadratic Mixture Model with Spline involving Two Insensitive Components
Mahesh Kumar Panda , Rushi Prasad Sahoo
This article considers the problem of obtaining D-optimal designs for the quadratic mixture canonical polynomial when the mixture experiments contain two insensitive components that can dilute the concentration of other mixture components present in the mixture. Due to this dilution property, the contribution of these two components to the response variable is dissimilar from the other components present in the mixture experiments. The concept of spline regression has been used to discriminate the contribution of these two different groups of components. The optimality of the obtained designs is confirmed for q = 4, 5, and 6 through the equivalence theorem.

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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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