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Vol 10, No 3:


D-Optimality for Gamma Regression Model
D-Optimality is a concept in experimental design. Certain treatments combinations in Experimental design may be too costly or difficult to measure in some circumstances. D-optimal designs are model-specific designs that address Conventional design constraints. In any field, the tests are frequently related to binary or count data, such as failure/success or the number of defects. Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and optimality are related in the context of experimental design and statistical analysis. To develop a D-optimal design criterion for GLM, we utilize the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix, which is a weighted form of the covariance matrix for the linear situation. We have used a Gamma GLM with any number of predictor variables and a log link modelled linear predictor to find the best optimal design. To prove local D-optimal design for a class of bisection designs, we employ a standard version of the problem and a generic equivalence theorem. Combining the generic equivalence theorem with clustering strategies yields an immediate method for identifying optimal designs points that are robust to a broad range of model parameter increment values.
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ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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