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Vol 9, No 2:


Development and Validation of Pinusroxburghii Height-Diameter Models in Jammu Province
In this work, eleven height and diameter prediction models for Pinusroxburghii (Chir Pine) in the Batote region (Jammu Province) of UT J&K (India) were fitted and assessed. This study employed data from 50 permanent sample plots in unevenly aged Pinusroxburghii forests, with a total of 500 individual tree height and diameter measurements. At first, all of the models that were fitted yielded significant coefficients, and various selection criteria were also utilised to test the prognostic presentation of the models that were fitted. The results of these criteria were derived using R studio's numerous libraries (version 3.5.1, 2018). The models were then crossvalidated, and the findings revealed that the Manfred (MG) and Michaelis-Menten2 (MJ) models accurately represented the most height variation in terms of fit statistics and, more importantly, with the lowest prediction error rate when compared to other models.
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