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Vol 4, No 2 :


Dimensionality Reduction using Fuzzy Soft Set Theory
Omdutt Sharma , Priti Gupta , Abhishek Sheoran
In our daily life, we often face various problems related to the high dimensionality of data. In these type of problem besides of useful data, irrelevant and superfluous data also present, which consume our lots of time and money, so dimensionality reduction is an important issues. The researchers proposed various technique and theory to solve these types of problems. In this paper we proposed a new technique to reduce the dimensionality of data by using the concept of fuzzy soft sets, which the hybridization of fuzzy set and soft set theory. Here a new technique is also proposed to convert the soft set into fuzzy soft set.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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