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Vol 11, No 2:


Evaluation of Some Reliability Measures of a Non-Identical System with Reboot and Two Types of Failure
This paper studies the system consists of two non-identical units with an objective to analyze and determine some reliability characteristics with reboot and two type of failures. Initially, both the units are operative. Each unit of the system has two modes - Normal (N) and Failure (F). Whenever, an operating unit fails, it is subjected to unsafe or safe failure. Whenever the unsafe failure takes place, the system does not function irrespective of the status of another unit. In case of unsafe failure, repair cannot be started immediately but first rebooting is done which transforms the unsafe failure to safe failure and thereafter repair of the failed unit can be started as usual after rebooting. A single repairman is always available with the system to repair and reboot a failed unit. The failure time distributions of each unit and reboot time distribution are taken to be exponential with different parameters. All the repair time distributions are taken as arbitrary. Using regenerative point technique, various measures of the system effectiveness such as transition probabilities, availability, busy period, expected numbers of repairs and profit analysis are obtained. The graphical behavior of profit function has also been studied.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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