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Vol 11, No 1:


Exploring Statistical Models for Endometrial Cancer Survival Data
The main objective of this paper is to explore a suitable statistical model for endometrial cancer survival data.
Several parametric life time distributions have been considered for this analysis. Also, non-parametric Kaplan-
Meier used to validate our chosen model. Further, log rank test has been used to compare the survival
experience between age groups (< 60 and ≥ 60 years) and different grades of endometrial cancer patients. The
log-logistic survival distribution is chosen as most suitable model based on its lowest AIC and BIC values.
There is no significant difference of survival experience between age groups (< 60 and ≥ 60 years) and different
grades of the tumor. The overall five-year survival of the endometrial cancer patients is found to be 45.6% with
95% confidence interval (25.8%, 80.6%). This knowledge would be quite helpful in predicting survival of
endometrial cancer patients.
Full Text
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