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Vol 10, No 2:


Expressions of Primitive Idempotents of Some Cyclic Codes of Length 16pn
In the present paper, explicit expressions for primitive idempotent in group algebra of cyclic group G of length 16pn, where ‘p’ is prime and ‘q’ is prime or some prime power (of type 16k+13), ‘n’ is a positive integer, order of ‘q’ modulo pn is , are obtained. Associated with this the generating polynomial and minimum distance bounds for the corresponding cyclic codes are derived.In the present paper, explicit expressions for primitive idempotent in group algebra of cyclic group G of length 16pn, where ‘p’ is prime and ‘q’ is prime or some prime power (of type 16k+13), ‘n’ is a positive integer, order of ‘q’ modulo pn is , are obtained. Associated with this the generating polynomial and minimum distance bounds for the corresponding cyclic codes are derived.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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