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Vol 7, No 3 :


HarrisGeneralizedRayleighDistributionanditsApplicationsin Industrial Reliability TestPlan
Albin Paul , K. K Jose
This article deals with the Harris Generalized Rayleigh Distribution which is obtained by takingRayleighdistributionasthebaselinedistributionandbyusingHarrisgeneralizationmethod. Some statistical and reliability properties of the new family is discussed. The maximum likelihood estimation of unknown parameters and a simulation study with a real data analysis is carried out to illustrate that the new distribution is more flexible than the baseline distributions. Also we developed an industrial reliabilitytestplanforacceptanceorrejectionofalotofproductssubmittedforinspectionwithlifetime following Harris generalized Rayleigh distribution.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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