Impact of HR Practices on Job Satisfaction Level of Managerial Employees in Textile Units
Harsh Purohit
, Poonam Malik
, S.C. Malik
The present study brings out the fact that appropriate HR Practices
become an essential catalyst for enhancing the Satisfaction of the
managers in the Textile Industry in Haryana in Northern India. A
questionnaire is constructed to collect the primary data considering
employees of managerial level of the units as respondents for getting a
comprehensive picture of human resource environment. The questions
related to appropriateness of HR practices and to measure job
satisfaction were asked to the respondents. To quantify the data, five
point Likert scales have been used. The comparison and impact of the HR
polices prevalent in the textile units in Haryana on job satisfaction
levels has been made using some statistical concepts like. In spite of
the limitations, this research filled an important gap by examining more
proximal outcomes that theoretically mediate the HR practices and
satisfaction relationship.