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Vol 4, No 2 :


Inferential Study of Self Relocated Design when Lifetime Followsthe Frechet Distribution
D. P. Raykundaliya
Due to the extreme events happening in manufacturing industries and nature, recently, researchers have focused onstudy of extreme value distributions for better planning purpose. The Frechet (extreme value type II) distribution is one of the probability distributions used to model extreme events. It has many applications including in the events earthquakes, flood, queues in supermarkets and wind speeds [NadarajahandKotz(2000)].Recently,Shanubhogue and Raykundaliya (2015) has studied self-relocated experimental design introduced by Srivastva(1987)when lifetime of the system followsgeneralized exponential distribution and generalized inverted family of distribution. In this paper,an attempt has been made to study the self-relocated experimental design when the lifetime of the systems followsthe Frechet Distribution. We derive the maximum likelihood expressions and shows that ML estimators of parameters follow asymptotically normal. We also obtain Fisher Information matrix, estimate of hazard rate and reliability function when shape parameter is known and unknown. In our case,the ML expressions are not mathematically tractable, we suggest algorithm to obtain estimates of parameters and its standard error using Newton-Raphson method when shape parameter is known as well as unknown. Further, likelihood ratio test is discussed to test homogeneity of several scale parameters.
Full Text
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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