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Vol 7, No 3 :


Non-parametric Location Control Charts Based on Trimmed Mean and Modified Trimmed Standard Deviation
M. R. Sindhumol , M R. Srinivasan
In this paper a Shewhart control chart based on the assumption of normality of the quality characteristic variable is developed.  If the distribution of the variable is violated or if limited data is available for estimating parameters of the distribution or if the data available is contaminated, alternative methods are needed for process control. Nonparametric control charts and robust control charts are some of the alternative methods available in literature. Here, we consider Jackknife nonparametric methods for developing control charts. In this article methods for effective monitoring of process when data is limited and contaminated is developed by using robust nonparametric sampling measures. The location control chart based on trimming is considered in order to make the control limits more robust and a comparison is drawn with some of the existing robust location control charts. The method is finally applied on real data to support the results obtained on simulation study.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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