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Vol 11, No 2:


Nonparametric Control Chart for the Joint Monitoring of Location and Scale Using Ranked Set Sampling
A single nonparametric Shewhart-type control chart based on Lepage test (SL chart) has recently been introduced in the literature for joint monitoring of the location and the scale parameters of a continuous process. The SL chart is based on simple random sampling (SRS) scheme. In the literature, ranked set sampling (RSS) technique is preferred over SRS scheme as it reduces the variability and improves the performance of the control chart. In this paper, RSS scheme is used in the construction of the existing SL chart to enhance the performance of the chart for joint monitoring of location and scale. The run length performance of the proposed SL chart under RSS scheme is compared with the chart using SRS scheme. The comparison revealed that the proposed SL chart based on RSS scheme outperforms the chart with SRS scheme.
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