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Vol 6, No 2 :


On Data Transferring speed among various Cloud Providers: An Experimental Study
Khimya S Tinani , Bhargav Choithwani , Bhagyashree Patil , Pathan Faiyazkhan , Tanvi Salat

Due to the rapid growth of data, individuals and enterprises are driving towards the cloud storage due to scalability, cost proficient, all time availability, accessibility, etc. The major challenges for the cloud storage service providers are to store the data efficiently and also to provide users high-speed data transfer and accessibility of data. Our aim in this paper is to compare various cloud storage service providers on the basis of time consumption in uploading and downloading the data of various types under the homogeneous conditions. Under this research an experiment was conducted on five cloud storage service providers: Google drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, PCloud and Sync. We have used t-test to compare the internet speed before and after the experiment to ensure the homogenous condition throughout the experiment. We have used Multivariate Analysis of Variance to compare the average uploading and downloading data time consumption on cloud among various cloud storage service providers. Here we have also done the POST-HOC Analysis Tukey’s test for pair wise comparison among various cloud storage service providers. Statistical analysis is done using the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) software.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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