Optimal Age Replacement Maintenance Model for Haier Thermocool Chest Freezer
It is of utmost importance to provide suitable replacement policy for industrial machines in order to minimize down time, maintenance cost as well as maximize the availability and reliability for enhance performance. In furtherance to this goal, this work proposes an optimal age-based replacement maintenance policy for effective utilization of cooling systems utilizing a set of age-based replacement models, with real time failure data of Thermocool Chest Freezer. The R programming was used to select a 3-parameter Fréchet distribution among other distribution functions as the best-fit probability model for the inter-failure data. The parameters estimate of this identified distribution were also obtained using the R program and were used to obtain optimal maintenance probabilities of the system which were utilized to obtain optimal preventive replacement time and their associated cost of replacement maintenance for a set of four age-based replacement maintenance models on the Haier Thermocool freezer. The result of Model 3 yielded the most economic cost at optimal time with relative higher availability rate and lower rate of occurrence of failure, providing the optimal preventive replacement maintenance policy for the Haier Thermocool Chest Freezer which could also be applied for the maintenance of similar equipment.
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