Partial Area Estimation under Multi-Class Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is one of the most popular classification tools, which is widely used in a variety of fields, most notably in diagnostic medicine. AUC summarizes the entire curve, including the areas that may not be clinically relevant, especially those with high FPR. Generally, clinical studies do not encourage high FPR rates because living subjects are involved in it. In such cases, considering a portion of the ROC will be more meaningful, and such a portion of an ROC curve is named as pAUC. Literature has works on estimating the pAUC for bi-normal ROC curves in several scenarios. However, in most of the real-life scenarios, we cannot expect the normality always, so the existing model does not work in such cases. Also, when the data includes several sub-populations/multiclass (comprises more than two classes), the existing model will not work. To address these issues, in this paper, we have proposed a new methodology for estimating the pAUC of multiclass exponential ROC, which is used when we need to find the area under the curve that lies in a particular range of FPR and data, is of multi-class. The study is supported with simulation and real data studies.
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