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Vol 11, No 3:


Preparation of Instructional Material for the Subject of Mathematics: A Case Study of 8th Class
Mathematics is taken as a chest filled up with so many valuable tools for various operations including measuring, weighting and counting. It plays a crucial role in understanding complex life problems by converting them into its language of signs and symbols. Despite its significance, many students find Mathematics to be a challenging subject. So, there has been thinking about individualized learning approaches that cater to each student's unique needs, incorporate modern educational techniques, and adapt to advancements in technology. Instructional material with the help of PowerPoint can meet these requirements in the said context as PowerPoint is very user-friendly medium. In this paper, an attempt has been made to prepare instructional material with the help of PowerPoint for 8th class students in the subject of mathematics.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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