Profit Analysis of a 2-Out -of-2: G System with Preventive Maintenance Subject to Conditional Failure of the Server
In this study, we examine the profitability of a 2-out-of-2: G system, which is a particular case of a k-out-of-n configuration. The system consists of two identical units, both of which must be functional for proper operation of the system. Preventive maintenance is performed on the units with an arbitrary rate to restore their efficiency. A single service facility is responsible for both preventive maintenance and repair. The service facility is subjected to failure only during repair activities and undergoes treatment to resume operations. Using the semi- Markov process and regenerative point technique under certain assumptions, we develop a system model and discuss performance measures for arbitrary rates. The system is analyzed in steady state and graphs are presented to show the impact of different transition rates such as failure rate, preventive maintenance rate, treatment rate and repair rate on both reliability measures and profit.
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