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Vol 7, No 3 :


Profit Analysis of a Three UnitParallel-Cold Standby System Using Lindley Distribution
N Nandal , R K Bhardwaj
A three unit parallel- cold standby system of identical units has been analyzed stochastically in detailed by assuming independent working of the units and a single server for repair activities.The Lindley distribution has been considered for the failure and repair times of the units. The semi-Markov process and regenerative point technique are used to develop the system model. The expressions for MTSF, availability, busy period of the server and profit function are derived in the steady state i.e. in the long run. The behaviour of the reliability measures has been observed graphically for arbitrary values of the parameters. The study has applications in a sensor system where memories (hard disks) work independently in parallel and the third one is kept as spare in cold standby to backup the received data for the server.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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