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Vol 10, No 3:


Reliability Analysis of a Fast-Food Manufacturing System using Boolean Function Technique and Path Tracing Method
Here, reliability of a fast food manufacturing system has been analyzed using the well known Boolean function technique and path tracing method. The system is considered as non-repairable with five subsystems connected in series. There are two series components in first subsystem while two parallel components are each in second and third subsystems. The fourth subsystem has three components which work initially with a single component and the other two components are kept in cold standby that operate simultaneously after the failure of the first component. The last subsystem has a single component. All the components in the system are non-identical. The failure rates of the components follow Weibull distribution. The expressions for reliability and mean time to system failure (MTSF) have been derived using these mathematical approaches. The reliability measures of the system have also been evaluated for a particular case of Weibull distribution i.e., for the exponential distribution. The reliability of the system has been obtained for particular values of the parameters to highlight the results numerically and graphically.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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