Reliability Evaluation of Radial Distribution System for Different Substation Configurations under Normal and Two-Weather Conditions
The Radial distribution system (RDS) is the most common practice in the electric power distribution system to deliver the power at customer ends through the radial feeder sections from the distribution substation (DSS). Any failures in the feeder sections and distribution substation lead to customer interruptions. To find a realistic approach to customer disruptions, the distribution system reliability must be evaluated by integrating the both feeder section and DSS failures. The reliability of a RDS depends on various factors such as DSS configurations and the weather conditions around the RDS. If the weather conditions around an electrical network are normal and constant throughout a given period, the weather can be modelled as single weather (SW). However, in practice, the electrical network is continuously exposed to varying weather conditions such as normal and adverse weather conditions then the weather is modelled as two Weather (TW) model. Adverse weather can cause significant damage to the components, leading to greater failure rates and longer power restoration periods. In this study, the reliability is evaluated for RDS and four types of 33/11 kV DSS configurations in both single and two weather conditions. Further, the reliability of the RDS with the integration of DSS failures is evaluated under SW and TW conditions.
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