The main aim of the present paper is to examine the changes in
the values of reliabilitymeasures of a computer system with hardware
redundancy in cold standby and priority tosoftware up-gradation over
hardware repair. A single server is called immediately to
conducthardware repair and software up-gradation as and when required.
The repair and up-gradationactivities performed by the server are
perfect.The random variables associated with time tofailure, hardware
repair and software up-gradation is statistically independent. The time
tohardware and software failures follows negative exponential
distribution, whereas thedistributions of hardware repair and software
up-gradation times are taken as arbitrary withdifferent probability
density functions. The expressions for various reliability and
economicmeasures are derived in steady state using semi-Markov process
and regenerative pointtechnique. The trends of some important measures
of system effectiveness have been observedfor arbitrary values of the
parameters. The profit of the present model has also been comparedwith
that of the model as discussed in Malik and Munday [5].