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Vol 8, No 2:


Some Inferences on Tests for Inliers
K. Muralidharan , Pratima Bavagosai
The present paper studies the problem of inliers in samples and how to test their statistical significance. Inliers are instantaneous or early failures that are natural occurrences of a life test. In them, some of the items may fail immediately or within a short time of the life test due to mechanical failure, inferior quality, or faulty construction of objects and components. We provide procedures for testing hypotheses consists of single and multiple inliers coming from an exponential distribution. It further studies the masking effect on Dixon type tests and the Cochran type test for the case of single inliers. The critical values are theoretically considered and numerically computed. The power of the tests and the error probabilities for the effects of masking and swamping under outward sequential criteria are tabulated for the number of inliers  = 2 and 3.
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