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Vol 9, No 3:


The Rainfall Forecast Models Analysis and Their Volatility
Many realistic domains have a lot of time-series data. Rainfall dependence structures are generally complicated in both time and space. The analysis of such data is highly significant in a wide range of applications where there are trends that alter over time or where there is a specific seasonality. Nonlinear variance features, also known as variance clustering or volatility, affect rainfall series, where large changes tend to follow large changes and subtle changes tend to follow slight changes. The focus of most empirical hydrological time series modeling was on modeling and predicting the mean trend of the time series using the traditional Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) modeling method proposed by the Box - Jenkins methodology. Forecasting is the government's major plan of action for monitoring and controlling the territory's outcomes. This research examines ARMA (Autoregressive Moving Averages), ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average), SARIMA (Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average), and ARCH – GARCH modeling as realistic methods for forecasting rainfall time series. The comparison demonstrates the models' disparities accuracy. In terms of the efficiency criterion, all models are compared. As a whole, the composite ARIMA-GARCH model resembles the dynamics of daily rainfall series. Seasonal ARIMA, on the other hand, has become a suitable model for the monthly average rainfall series.
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ISSN(P) 2350-0174

ISSN(O) 2456-2378

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