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Vol 8, No 2:


Time Dependent Analysis for Retrial Priority Model with Single Vacation
S. Damodaran , A. Muthu Ganapathi Subramanian , Gopal Sekar
Transient behaviour of Single server Retrial Queueing problem with non-preemptive priority combined with single vacation is taken up for study in this paper. The arrival pattern of low priority customer follows Poisson distribution with arrival rate λ1 and that of high priority also follows Poisson distribution with arrival rate λ2. Service rates of low and high priority customers follow exponential distribution with rates μ1and μ2 respectively. Retrial rate of customers from the orbit is σ. When there are no customers in both high and low priority queues, the server will go for a vacation. The server will return to the system to provide service with rate α. The transient solution to the model is obtained using matrix exponential method. The time dependent probabilities and system performance measures are computed.
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